This Film, dedicated to my loving mother, Donna, whose bravery, sacrifice, smile, and heart have shaped the man I am today, was realized to be used as a tool to inspire and empower other families to try to break free of negative conditioning, stereotypes, patterns, and cycles. It honors the strength of women all over the world and hopefully it will also encourage men to acknowledge and share their emotions with the women and children who love them.
May we unite in solidarity and collective spirit to spread love in the face of adversity and shift to a global consciousness that propels movement towards helping undo thousands of years of damage.
It is also dedicated, in loving memory, to all of the beautiful souls who have lost their lives due to domestic violence.
Director -Jaret Martino

Our official poster! #DonnaStpFilm #DONNAStrongerThanPretty #StrongerThanPretty
Beautiful my friends nice to know yall cool guys again,had fun on the beach chilling with you stars😇🙏